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Photography 201
How to Best Use This Course (1:23)
Downloadable Camera Brand Setting Names Comparison Guide
Reading your Lens Barrel: What do all those numbers & letters mean? (22:46)
Vibration Reduction/Image Stability (3:59)
Calibration: Why this makes a HUGE difference in your focus!!! (8:16)
Lens Compression (7:38)
Lens Abberation (4:31)
Camera Settings (Let's get shooting!!)
Downloadable Quick Start Camera Set Up Guide
Active D-Lighting (5:49)
Focus Area Modes (5:30)
Downloadable Focus-Area Modes Chart (AF-Area)
Manual (6:48)
Metering & Metering Modes (7:17)
Downloadable Metering Mode Chart
Exposure Compensation: When to use it & How to set it up (5:56)
White Balance: Kelvin, Gray Card, WB Bracketing, & Custom White Balance (5:52)
Exposure Bracketing (6:27)
HDR (High Dynamic Range) (5:11)
Back Button Focus (6:11)
Exposure (Taking it to the next level!!)
Exposure Triangle: Why it's so important? (20:11)
Downloadable: Exposure Chart
Copy of Downloadable: Blur - Spruce Trees
Bokeh vs Background Blur (4:09)
Light Quality and Quantity (6:28)
Over & Underexposed Images (6:23)
RGB Color Histogram (3:16)
Dynamic Range (7:22)
Tone (5:50)
Downloadable Best Starting Point Settings for Different Scenes/Senarios
Custom Controls (What are these for?)
Autofocus (4:24)
Metering/Exposure & Timer (3:27)
Shooting/Display (6:24)
Bracketing/Flash & Controls (6:46)
Bonus: Miscellaneous
Camera Sensor: Why Size matters (8:13)
SRGB vs Adobe RGB Color Space (4:25)
Monitor Color Calibration (7:24)
File Formats (8:42)
Download: File Formats Chart
Resolution,DPI, PPI, Pixels, & Megapixels & Why You Need to Know the Difference? (6:22)
Healthy vs Unhealthy Cropping (5:02)
Aspect Ratio (4:15)
Download: Aspect Ratio Guide
Now What?
You Finished the Course, Now What? (1:22)
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SRGB vs Adobe RGB Color Space
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